Our 2nd-4th graders created a newspaper this summer! One of the newspaper sections is the Opinion section. What a great way to learn persuasive writing!
East Nashville Hope Exchange is proud to accept a Dollar General Literacy Grant to help fund our school year tutoring program, which parents, families and teachers have been requesting for a long time.
Essential questions during Week Five:
How are families/communities/parts of the world the same? How are they different? This week, St. Ann's students broadened their studies to look beyond family and community to the larger world. This week's section: Business
Essential Question for Week Three: What are the roles and responsibilities of people in a family/community/world? It's the first week of the Summer Program, and we are off to a great start! In the next six weeks, students will explore these big questions (What is a family? What is a community? What is a world?) while also applying what they learned to their own community: East Nashville. This exploration will be experienced through daily Guest Readers, classroom discussions, weekly theme books, and a field trip.
by Briana Perry
When I first learned that I would need to complete an internship for my Masters program, I knew that I wanted to work with an organization that supported minority students with academics. by Emily Joy Allison-Hearn
As a first born to a stay-at-home mother, I had the luxury of being read to as a child, and even as a baby, each and every day, long before I could understand any of it. My mother read it all to me--The Chronicles of Narnia, Anne of Green Gables, Heidi, the American Girl series, and so much more. by Zain Murtaza Maken
As a child grows into an adolescent, it’s important to understand the building blocks of healthy development. The Search Institute has identified 40 developmental assets, and today, we’ll be focusing on one group of the internal assets - positive identity. by Jennifer Weinberg
We love our volunteers! Marsha has been volunteering with East Nashville Hope Exchange for the past few months. She assists with various administrative responsibilities, specifically organizing behind-the-scenes efforts for our Wine Tasting and Silent Auction fundraising event on April 22, 2016. Get to know Marsha and learn why she supports ENHE below! by Monoika Howard, parent and third grade teacher
“My brain hurts!” Have you ever heard a child share that statement? It’s not a headache; it’s not that they “physically” feel their brain hurting. It could be their way of expressing the stress they feel when they are overwhelmed. In my years of being an educator and working in school counseling capacities, I have found that young people face stressful situations just like adults. The only difference is my years of experience making the transition from my youth to adulthood: I’ve learned strategies to help me cope. |
February 2020