#100ReasonsENHE: Celebrate with Us!
- Free Summer literacy program for at-risk children.
- Pre- and post- assessments to measure results.
- Success is due to 50% instruction 50% relationship.
- ENHE works with the whole family!
- ENHE starts young before the Achievement Gap gets too big.
- Because every summer low-income children lose 3 months of reading skills, this is called the “summer slide”.
- Children get free breakfast and lunch every day of the summer program.
- The monthly workshops during the school year build a community around literacy.
- Children love doing cheers and chants every day during the summer!
- Arts and Humanities projects help children create meaning in the world.
- Children get a book to take home every day of programming.
- ENHE makes learning fun!
- Parents learn tools to help their children comprehend what they read.
- Currently 79% of the children at the schools ENHE targets are not proficient in reading.
- Reading is the foundation for all learning!
- Every career requires you learn to read well.
- Children learn about Nashville in their weekly field trip!
- Daily Guest Readers are great role models.
- ENHE is a place where we exchange ideas, giving each other hope.
- Children get to have waterplay once a week in the summer!
- Because a literate future is a future worth participating in.
- Literacy opens doors in life!
- Strong foundation in language leads to more meaningful personal and business relationships.
- Helping children read is the most meaningful way I can give back to my community.
- Reading proficiency shouldn't be determined by race or economic class.
- Workshops include Search Institute’s research - proven 40 Developmental Assets.
- Teachers are certified and use best practices in literacy.
- During the summer program, students get at least 250 minutes of concentrated literacy a day!
- During the summer, children get to work on projects connected to our theme, ‘My Family, My Community, My World.’
- Right now only 79% of the students at ENHE’s target schools are proficient in Reading/Language Arts.
- ‘It Takes a Village.’
- ENHE uses a special formula: 50% instruction, 50% relationship when doing it’s work.
- Literacy is all about the 3Rs: read, read, and read.
- Children make new friends during the program!
- Families make new friends during workshops and learn from each other.
- Children from low-income families have a 30 million word gap by the time they turn age 3.
- MNPS can’t do it all - the district needs strong partners in the community.
- In the most prosperous country in the world, many of our children are not learning to read well.
- "To learn to read is to light a fire; every syllable that is spelled out is a spark." — Victor Hugo
- "Never trust anyone who has not brought a book with them." — Lemony Snicket
- "Today a reader, tomorrow a leader." — Margaret Fuller
- "The things I want to know are in books." — Abraham Lincoln
- “Children should learn that reading is pleasure, not just something that teachers make you do in school." — Beverly Cleary
- “The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you'll go." — Dr. Seuss
- “There is something delicious about writing the first words of a story. You never quite know where they'll take you.” ― Beatrix Potter
- “With opportunity the world is very interesting.” ― Beatrix Potter
- “There's so much more to a book than just the reading." — Maurice Sendak
- "If you are going to get anywhere in life you have to read a lot of books." - Roald Dahl
- "All the reading she had done had given her a view of life they had never seen." - Roald Dahl
- "Keep looking up. There may be a rainbow waiting for you." — Eric Carle
- ENHE student: “I love Hope Exchange because we’re like a big family.”
- ENHE student: “I love Hope Exchange because we get to read a lot.”
- ENHE student: “I like Hope Exchange because we get to read Elephant and Piggie books.”
- ENHE student: “I love Hope Exchange because it helps you learn how to read books.”
- ENHE student: “I love reading books because they inspire me.”
- ENHE parent: “I love hope exchange because it teaches responsibility.”
- ENHE parent: “I love hope exchange because it helps the kids with the resources they need to become a productive member of society.”
- ENHE parent: “It helps low-income families who need help during the summer.”
- ENHE parent: “ENHE employs skilled teachers who have a passion for seeing children grow academically.”
- ENHE helps single parents: in 2015, 73% of ENHE’s children were from single-parent households.
- ENHE’s theme, ‘My Family, My Community, My World,’ helps children to take ownership of their place in the world.
- Family literacy workshops happen once a week in the summer and once a month during the school year.
- In the summer, students get 1.5 hour of individualized reading group instruction. (5:1 student/teacher ratio!)
- Our children are not learning to read and we CANNOT be okay with this!
- ENHE’s mission is to strengthen literacy of at-risk children in East Nashville.
- ENHE’s vision is ‘Reading For Life.’
- ENHE is passionately committed to delivering high quality programming.
- The average child growing up in a low-income family has only been exposed to 25 hours of one-on-one reading.
- 82% of America’s fourth graders who are reading below-grade level are from low-income households.
- Among those who reach adulthood with the lowest level of literacy proficiency, 43% live in poverty. Among those who have strong literacy skills, only 4% live in poverty.
- "These kids are going to be the leaders of future Nashville." -Ketch Secor
- "It's so important to support these kids right now." -Ketch Secor
- "You're supporting the next generation of scholars" -Ketch Secor
- "It all starts right here with the Big Payback" -Ketch Secor
- "Encourage reading with young kids. It's the very beginning of learning." -Ketch Secor
- "A lot of folks want to make a difference but they don't really know how to." -Ketch Secor
- "Particularly here on the east side where there are a number of kids just having a tough go of it." -Ketch Secor
- "Hope Exchange offers them the inside track they need." -Ketch Secor
- "Hopefully, one day, [they will] matriculate with the top scholars in the state." -Ketch Secor
- "What we take in is what we put out." -Ketch Secor
- "It's important to practice real stewardship with literacy and young kids" -Ketch Secor
- ENHE parent: “ENHE has increased my child’s love for reading.”
- ENHE parent: “ENHE offers a variety of activities to help keep your child engaged while learning to read.”
- ENHE student: “ I love reading books because they have adventures.”
- ENHE parent: “I like ENHE because its focus its focus is on teaching literacy with children.”
- Children must learn to read before they can read to learn.
- ENHE offers low-income children a 6 week literacy program for only a $30 registration fee.
- Classrooms have two teachers and only 15 students.
- ENHE makes family engagement a priority because the parent is the #1 teacher.
- More than 1 in 3 children arrive in kindergarten w/o the skills necessary for lifetime learning.
- Those who are not reading well by third grade are 4 times more likely to drop out of school.
- We live in a ‘post-segregation’ era yet one school on Woodland ave is 83% white and 78% are proficient in reading/language art; at the other end of the street, and another school 1 mile down the road is 83% black and only 14% are proficient in reading/language arts.
- ENHE serves K-4th grades, when building literacy is building a foundation for the rest of a child’s life.
- ENHE’s goal is to serve 100 children in 2016.
- ENHE serves low-income families: in 2015 97% of ENHE’s children were from low-income families.
- A typical ENHE summer program day includes at least 250 minutes of literacy.
- ENHE students enjoy the Wishing Chair Productions puppet show and a Nashville Ballet performance every summer.
- ENHE is passionately committed to building relationships with children, families, teachers and the community.
- ENHE is passionately committed to championing a life of success for all children.
- 61% of low-income families have no age-appropriate books in their homes.
DONATE NOW to East Nashville Hope Exchange and help us serve 100 at-risk kids in East Nashville this year! #100ReasonsENHE