Essential Question for Week Three:
What are the roles and responsibilities of people in a family/community/world?
Billy Hearn, St. Ann’s member and Kitchen Manager at Puckett's Grocery and Restaurant downtown, led students in creating their business plan for the lemonade stand. Each grade level focused on a different aspect of the lemonade stand:
2nd grade: Marketing and Promotion
3rd grade: Product Development
4th grade: Business Management
After conducting a blind taste-test to determine what kind of lemonade they would make, the students also decided they would be donating the profits from their stand to Monroe Harding Foster Care. The lemonade stand took place Friday in the parking lot of the Turnip Truck Natural Market in East Nashville. All in all, the students sold over 150 glasses of lemonade at $3/glass, resulting in a generous donation to Monroe Harding!
The students also took a trip to Franklin Web Printing this week. They were able to get behind the scenes to learn how newspapers are made from the people who will be printing their newspaper this summer.