At each of our East Nashville Hope Exchange family workshops, I stress to families that while I have a master’s degree in education, when it comes to being a parent, I am just like everyone else: I’m a work in progress.
Yesterday, when I opened my daughter's kindergarten report card, I smiled when I saw all the "E" marks for Excellent, but then I saw the 'Notice of Concern' for my child's tardies. I felt a little embarrassed. How can I stand in front of ENHE families at our workshops and talk about the importance of getting your child to school on time, when it is a daily battle in my own household?
This evening as we got ready for bed, she read me “The Big Red Sled” and I read "Pinkalicious and the Cupcake Calamity." When we prayed our nighttime prayers, I gave my thanks for red sleds and pink cupcakes and whatever magic it was this morning that made everything go so right. Then the time froze as I watched my little sweet six-year-old Ella fall asleep. I thought, "Please help me to never forget this day."
We are all a work in progress. May we always remember our magical days on the days we just can’t seem to get things right. Let's remember to cut ourselves some slack and keep on trying!