I frequently struggle to sit down for any length of time when I am at home. It seems like there is always something that needs to be done. There is the work that I brought home, dinner that needs to be made, and with four children, there is always laundry that needs to be washed and folded. With all of these tasks looming over my head, sitting down with my children to read a book seems like a luxury I cannot afford.
When children are able to comprehend what they read, they are more likely to read additional material by choice. Early parental involvement is shown to increase student’s development of these reading skills. It also helps children to develop the ability to focus on a particular activity for an extended period of time. In addition, when parents are invested in their children’s reading development, children learn to become invested in their own development.
Given this information, it is clear that reading with your children should not be viewed as a luxury, but as a method of furthering their overall development. Although it is clear that reading with our children should be a priority, it can still be challenging especially for parents with multiple children. I’ve gathered several resources from PBS to help you below.
Tips for creating a literate home | For parents reading with multiple children | Talking with your child when they don’t like reading
How often do you read with your children? Have any tips to make daily reading easier? We’d love to hear your thoughts in the comments or on Facebook and Twitter.