So, literacy in my day job looks much like a toolbox. I am fortunate to have tools that support my continuous learning much like a carpenter needs multiple tools to build a house. Before you hit snooze, I won’t bore you with the details of life as a banker. Insert any passion you wish to turn into a profession, and these tools work. They may not be called hammer or wrench but they are as effective at building an environment of lifelong learning as building a home.
Reading: I bet all of us read something in a work day. Reading is a critical skill and is the gateway to opportunity. Taking this skill a step further, I read job related materials to comprehend. When a client sends an email with an issue, I read beyond the words on the page to attempt to understand what the person is trying to communicate. Reading has always been a critical skill; and even more so in a digital age where people tend to prefer to communicate by written message.
Writing: As much as I read, I write in equal amounts throughout my work day. Writing serves multiple purposes. I might write an email to someone to communicate a message. I also write notes to help prioritize tasks or work through a project or issue. Like reading, the writing I create for work is not simply words on a page; they serve a purpose to connect with others, solve issues and find proactive solutions to make my clients’ lives easier.
Critical Thinking: In my line of work, reading and writing are two very close companions in helping me critically think through my day and tasks. I don’t simply want to fulfill a request. I use reading and writing to ensure I have given the very best solution to help my clients achieve their goals.
Reading. Writing. Critical thinking. These are skills that help anyone achieve success in the workplace. All three skills open the door to never ending possibility of learning and opportunity.