Job Description: Lead Teacher
East Nashville Hope Exchange is a non-profit organization dedicated to strengthening the literacy of at-risk children in East Nashville. We are seeking an individual who has taught reading in lower elementary for three years and who has experience teaching at-risk students. Strong candidates should have good written, verbal, and computer skills, be knowledgeable of educational regulations, approach the job with high energy, have educational leadership experience, and know how to help children with emotional problem solving.
Type: Full Time-Summer; Part Time-School Year
Start Date: Immediate
Location: 419 Woodland St. (St. Ann’s Episcopal Church); Summer Program Sites: East Nashville Grade 2-4 site TBD, and Ross Early Learning Center
May 28-July 17: Starting at $5,500 for the Summer Program period
Jan-May/Sep-Nov: $20/hour for case management of 25 households & planning/instruction of School Year Program monthly workshops
Mar-May: $20/hour for Summer Program planning and training
May 28 – June 1, 2019: Staff Pre-Service
June 3 – July 12, 2019: Student Program
July 15 – July 17, 2019: Staff Post-Program Wrap-up and Debrief
Workshops: January 11, February 8, March 14, April 11, May 9, September 14, October 12, November 9, December 14
Qualifications: Certification in Elementary Education, supervision experience, and strong classroom management skills
SUMMER: 7:45 a.m. - 4:00 p.m., Monday-Friday
SCHOOL YEAR: 10:00 a.m. - 1:30 p.m. on Workshop Dates; 5:00 - 6:00p.m. on Wednesday evenings prior to and following workshop & as needed
The Lead Teacher for ENHE will demonstrate leadership, effective communication, and strong teaching skills as he/she leads a team of educators in strengthening literacy of at-risk children and engaging their family members. The Lead Teacher’s job duties include, but are not limited to:
1. Instructional and Program Leader
2. Organization, Records, and Communication
1. Instructional and Program Leader: Supervise, support, and lead instructional staff in assessment, planning, and instruction. Assist Executive Director in executing all elements of the program smoothly.
2. Organization, Records, and Communication: Ensure all elements of program are executed smoothly by organizing materials and records and communicating effectively.
TO APPLY: Fill out the attached application and send it to:
Ameshica Linsey, Executive Director
East Nashville Hope Exchange
419 Woodland Street
Nashville, TN 37206
Fax: 615-242-4997
E-mail: [email protected]
Type: Full Time-Summer; Part Time-School Year
Start Date: Immediate
Location: 419 Woodland St. (St. Ann’s Episcopal Church); Summer Program Sites: East Nashville Grade 2-4 site TBD, and Ross Early Learning Center
May 28-July 17: Starting at $5,500 for the Summer Program period
Jan-May/Sep-Nov: $20/hour for case management of 25 households & planning/instruction of School Year Program monthly workshops
Mar-May: $20/hour for Summer Program planning and training
May 28 – June 1, 2019: Staff Pre-Service
June 3 – July 12, 2019: Student Program
July 15 – July 17, 2019: Staff Post-Program Wrap-up and Debrief
Workshops: January 11, February 8, March 14, April 11, May 9, September 14, October 12, November 9, December 14
Qualifications: Certification in Elementary Education, supervision experience, and strong classroom management skills
SUMMER: 7:45 a.m. - 4:00 p.m., Monday-Friday
SCHOOL YEAR: 10:00 a.m. - 1:30 p.m. on Workshop Dates; 5:00 - 6:00p.m. on Wednesday evenings prior to and following workshop & as needed
The Lead Teacher for ENHE will demonstrate leadership, effective communication, and strong teaching skills as he/she leads a team of educators in strengthening literacy of at-risk children and engaging their family members. The Lead Teacher’s job duties include, but are not limited to:
1. Instructional and Program Leader
- Meet with Executive Director twice monthly to develop/adjust work plan for the month
- Collaborate on development and execution of monthly workshops
- Plan and deliver instruction on reading/academic focus
- Support 40 Assets instruction
- Assist in set-up for workshop
- Substitute for children’s program teacher at monthly workshops as needed
- Conduct home visits and meetings to follow-up on progress and deliver workshop instruction for those unable to attend
- Purchase, create, and organize curriculum, including FCRR curriculum, AtoZ books, and classroom sets of theme books
2. Organization, Records, and Communication
- Develop and Organize Workshop Materials
- Develop, Administer, and Organize Parent surveys at workshops and at home visits
- Communicate with students’ classroom teachers quarterly through e-mail regarding student progress
- Maintain regular communication with a caseload of 25 families, documenting all communication with student families and schools/teachers in contact log on Google Drive; attempt contact until successful, or 3 unsuccessful attempts, through phone, text, and e-mail, using a variety of approaches. If family can text, one attempt must be text.
- Keep an accurate log of all communication with student families and schools/teachers
- Refer families to other agencies for help outside the ENHE scope and follow-up with families on these referrals
1. Instructional and Program Leader: Supervise, support, and lead instructional staff in assessment, planning, and instruction. Assist Executive Director in executing all elements of the program smoothly.
- Supervise teachers
- Supervise volunteers when the Volunteer Coordinator is not present
- Coordinate and monitor the flow of all program elements: Guest Readers, Morning Meetings, Reading Groups, Reading Buddies, Lunch, Outside Play, Afternoon Activities/Projects, Classroom Instruction
- Review teachers’ lesson plans and provide regular feedback, including suggestions for supplemental resources and differentiation strategies
- Supervise the leveled reading groups for phonics and guided reading, with emphasis on planning and modeling for the teacher assistant groups
- Purchase, create, and organize curriculum, including FCRR curriculum, AtoZ books,classroom sets of theme books, and digital curriculum
- Substitute for teachers in their absences, implementing teacher’s plans for instruction
- Coordinate the completion of initial and final assessments
- Group students according to text level, L1, phonics, behavior, balance, etc.
- Compile pre- and post- assessment data and compose a written analysis of results prior to staff debrief
- Participate in the Debrief and Packing/Inventory of the program
- Design staff training on curriculum and assessment
- Lead staff training
- Collaboratively develop, train staff, and model ENHE positive discipline procedures
- Counsel students displaying disruptive behavior with an emphasis on minimizing students' out of class time and a focus on conflict resolution
- Lead Daily Debrief with teachers
- Ensure safety of children and teachers throughout all elements of program
2. Organization, Records, and Communication: Ensure all elements of program are executed smoothly by organizing materials and records and communicating effectively.
- Meet with Executive Director weekly
- Assist in planning the summer program in the spring
- Oversee daily sign-in and sign-out procedures
- Retrieve and distribute daily take home books
- Check in with families about daily reading logs and give tickets and encouragement to all families
- Track daily attendance
- Call / text with parents regarding daily attendance (tardies or absences)
- Post signs and send text messages to each family regarding special events
TO APPLY: Fill out the attached application and send it to:
Ameshica Linsey, Executive Director
East Nashville Hope Exchange
419 Woodland Street
Nashville, TN 37206
Fax: 615-242-4997
E-mail: [email protected]